Monday, January 27, 2020

Back from the Biosphere

Were back from exploring the great experiment of the biosphere.  Perhaps you recall the experiment where people were going to stay inside an enclosed garden for two years to see if it could be self sustaining.  The experiment failed, but today experiments are being run there to see if we can sustain life on Earth.  The whole complex was much larger than Kadizzle had imagined.  Rather than write here about it you might check it out on the Google.

Our Earth is in peril. That is one thing the experiment has shown. The level of CO2 has gone up. We are close to the point where the ocean cannot tolerate the CO2 level.

The disturbing part is what our government is now doing under Trump to hasten our demise.  Materialism is bring us to the end.  Trump has so successfully played on greed.  We are senselessly burning up the ball of Earth we live on. 

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