Wednesday, January 01, 2020

A Clear sky

Sunshine will spill generously all over the campsite today.  NPR is playing in the background.  Income inequality was just the feature.  People always like to make simple problems complicated.  The answer to income inequality is simple, tax the rich.  Of course the Republican answer is give everyone an equal chance to be rich.  So your daddy gave you a bank, and my daddy gave me some advice.  Is my chance to be well off equal to yours.  The notion is insane.  In hundreds of arguments with greedy people Kadizzle has always heard this from the greed dogs.  If you want a bigger slice of pizza society needs to bake a bigger pizza.  Of course the rich will still get ninety percent of the pizza, but your slice will be bigger.  Why not just cut the pizza up fairly?  It's my pizza and I earned it is the classic Republican response.  You did not earn it.  You stole it off the backs of your employees, the taxpayers, and society.  Quit pretending.

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