Thursday, October 24, 2019

Walked into an ambush

Kadizzle dreams in such detail and for so long it is exhausting. The dreams make absolutely no sense. This morning after bringing the body to life Kadizzle navigated the lump towards the kitchen looking for a cup of coffee.  Then the machine gun fire started and Winky lobbed a grenade.  Last night Kadizzle forgot to do the dishes.  It is sometimes the custom for Kadizzle to take a brake between dinner and doing the dishes.  The neighbor gave Kadizzle an ipad they did not want, so Kadizzle got distracted.  The commander, supreme leader, her majesty, I atola you so,  Kim Jung illness,  was not happy. Mean words were flying like bullets bouncy off the walls about what a no good lazy shirker Kadizzle was.

Kadizzle grabbed some coffee and ran to the engine room.  The gunfire seems to have quelled, but the coffee is getting low.  The commander is absorbed in her computer so it might be possible to slink in fill with coffee and run back to the engine room.

Today Kadizzle has to get his PSA checked.  It is like a meeting with the warden when you get told if your hanging has been postponed or not.  It looks like Kadizzle has been pardoned, but who knows. 

Cancer is shooting down people left and right.  Bob just has his prostate surgery and is going through the same thing Kadizzle did eight years ago.   His best friend will have to be hooked to a urine bag via a catheter for a couple weeks.  When Kadizzle went through this he forgot to empty the urine bag before a trip to Bismarck .  You cannot let the urine back up into your kidney.  At a traffic light Kadizzle had to put his leg out the door and let the valve open.  The people in the car behind must have wondered how Kadizzle got water to run from his sock, but it solved the problem.

The Trump insanity rages.  What a stunt. Republicans had to storm the hearing room because Republicans were not privy to what was going on.  Perhaps they forgot Republicans were already in the room and participating in the questioning.  Of course the dingers will miss this crucial aspect of the Fox News style spin.

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