Friday, October 25, 2019

Fighting the evil

Yesterday Kadizzle shot out a lot of political BS everywhere.  In the morning a call was made to Cramer's office in DC, then the GOP in ND.  Kadizzle was doing his amature detective work trying to see what could be known about the Russians funneling money into North Dakota.  Of course no answers came from the Republican lap dogs.  Kadizzle had to make a run to Bismarck to have the PSA checked.  Looks like Kadizzle will have to find something new to die from. The prostate cancer is either gone or under control.  On the way to Bismarck Kadizzle about puked listening to Rush Limbaugh.  Frustrated Kadizzle thought he called Moscow's radio station KFYR.   Actually he got KFYR television.  The TV guy called and we talked some politics.  Strangely he had little use for the little rat that spews on KFYR radio and the tactics of hanging up, talking over, or going to commercial.   In Bismarck kadizzle did his usual quiz with the young people about social security.  No young people are aware of the cap on social security that keeps them broke and unable to retire.  Almost forgot, called Verizon, and Midco cable in prep to go south.  Cackled both service employees on the evils of the Republican greed machine.  For the grane finally had a chat with the doctor and his intern about the evil Republicans.  It was refreshing to hear two young intelligent people discuss the fraud. 

Winky has the Earth Module almost packed.  Now we need a window of good weather to escape.  The local eskimos are building igloos in prep for winter.

Here Kadizzle sits at about 5:45 A.M.  had to get up was growing roots in bed.  What will happen in the Trump circus today.  The delusional will probably storm an out house or something.  The cancer of stupidity is eating our country. 

Almost forgot the trip to Best Buy.  In order to waste time Kadizzle stopped into Best Buy to browse.  Simply do not need or want anything Kadizzle finds.  However, got in a political cackle with a clerk.  He seemed like an intelligent young man and we went through the entire gambit .   Patiently the clerk listened and even seemed to listen with interest as Kadizzle gave the spiel about how the Republican fraud works. 

It looks like sunshine may break out today.  Maybe one more leaf pickup, a visit to Bob up the street, and perhaps a ebike ride.  Good morning bird lady if you are reading this.

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