Thursday, October 31, 2019

Stirring the Redhats

As Kadizzle lay me down to sleep last night in the hotel in Wheatland, Wyoming he pursued the Bismarck Tribune.  Some insulant redhat wrote a letter to the Tribune asserting Kadizzle had no proof Russian money came into North Dakota. So Kadizzle wrote back to the paper as follows:

Neigum alleges I have no basis for asserting Russian money came into the Republican Party in North Dakota. Soviet-born U.S. citizen Lev Parnas donated about $660 to each of the state parties in October 2016, according to the Federal Election Commission website. Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman were arrested in New York as they tried to Alex escape the country for their illegal campaign activities. Mr. Neigum can read about this in multiple newspaper reports. Although Mr Neigum claims to read various news reports somehow he missed the fact that Lev Parnas, and Igor Fruman are entangled with Rudy Giuliani, and have been at multiple Trump events. 

Global Energy Producers, a company created by Parnas and Fruman in 2018, also contributed $325,000 to pro-Trump super political action committee America First Action, according to the Washington Post. The PAC spent more than $565,000 on digital and print advertisements against 2018 North Dakota Senate candidate Heidi Heitkamp, a Democrat, according to the FEC website. Heitkamp, the incumbent, was defeated by now-Sen. Kevin Cramer. If Alex Neigum makes a serious effort to actually find out what is going on he can find news reports that Cramer’s office admitted the money came in. 

As Trump is impeached more information will come forward about the corruption involved in the Republcan Party.  Foriegn meddling in our state and national elections is a problem we all need to be aware of. Alex Neigum does not like my assertion that the people of North Dakota are ill informed.  My best evidence that the people of North Dakota are ill informed is Alex Neigum.

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