Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Snowbirds stuck in North Dakota

Both Honest Omar and Kadizzle are stuck in the great North.   Winky has great fear of bad roads and being cold in the Earth Module.  Honest Omar cannot leave until he has pumped all the water out of the neighborhood through his sump pump. 

North Dakota is no place for old people in the winter.  Those who stay have their brains frozen and are incapable of watching anything more complicated than people lying on Fox News.  In the old days Kadizzle used to think only cakes and whimps left in the winter, but now things have changed.  Outside for a short time yesterday Kadizzle's hands got cold.  Put Kadizzle down as a whimp.

Winky just came back here to the engine room.  The engine room has a nice chair, a desk, warm lighting, and even a futon.  Winky said " Why do you come back here?".   This is my safe place where Kadizzle can have peace and quiet with no one questioning him.  Winky may have wanted Kadizzle to stay in the kitchen to keep her company.  So Kadizzle invited Winky to the safe place.  She went back to the kitchen. 

Perhaps Kadizzle will post it here.  Steve Colbert did a nice job making lite of the idiot we have for a president.  Trump is insane beyond comprehension.  Kadizzle just cannot comprehend how the redhats watch him and think he is a stable genius.  Our country has never had a twelve year old for president before.  Lying comes to Trump so easily.  Trump said the bad guy we killed ( actually Trump chased the guy down the tunnel and killed him with his dog Cramer) whimpered and cried.  There is no one who knows where Trump got this information, but it does make a great story.

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