Friday, October 11, 2019

Not Much excitment

Kadizzle in Denver has not found too much excitement.  The best part of the trip is seeing Sylvie.  Entertainment so far has been checking out all the stores.  Just got back from Home Depot.  Same old you know what.  Did Sam's, Walmart, Target, Bass Pro, and now there are no big stores nearby left. Clothing stores and shoe stores abound, blaa.  Might have to go to the mini mall.  The blandness of American cities is disappointing.  Same stuff everywhere. New York is interesting because of one store that will have such an incredible selection of some specialty.  Downtown Denver at least around Union Station seems pretty bland.  Now if  you are into beer or eating your journey would never end.

How about a mental trip back to North Dakota.  It seems the Republicans in North Dakota took money from the two criminals associated with Rudy, Trumps henchman.  It would be neat to know just how Russian money got into North Dakota.  Of course my old buddy Kevin Cramer is in the Trump mess up to his bunghole.

Fran made some wonderful stew last night. Sylvie was taught to make biscuits by Erin.  The meal was great, but about three A.M. the fire belly hit.  It took a couple Tums to put the fire out, but it could have been the wine, not the stew.

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