Thursday, October 03, 2019

Mental illness

Watching Trump embarrass our country in front of the president of Finland yesterday Kadizzle kept thinking how clear it is Trump is mentally ill.  Trump is out of touch with reality.  How can anyone watch Trump in action and not conclude he has a serious mental problem? Yet the delusional notice nothing unusual about his constant lying, talking like he is king, and telling stories fabricated from nothing.  Trump has the mind of a disturbed sixth grader.  Republicans just do not notice.

As a child Kadizzle thought things would become clear as he aged.  Kadizzle thought adult behavior would make sense as one got older.  Nope, so called adults are just big kids.  Who else could buy into the Trump game?

Dazed and confused is the only explanation for Republican behavior.  Don't let your eyes and ears fool you.  When your base for reality is the Bible and Fox News you are as Trump would say in deep shit. 

On the news last night they had a bubba farmer down south somewhere.  The guy said there might be something to this climate change thing as he walked through his corn crop burnt to a crisp by drought.  That is the way a Republican mind works.  As you go broke you begin to wonder how trickle down works. 

How many Kadizzle readers did their homework?  Your homework is to read the New York Times every day.  Today there is an article about families struggling to make it.  The article goes into what is middle class.  Read it.  Now, keep in mind anything that resembles reality is fake news, or maybe you did not hear there is no fake news anymore.  Trump has declared fake news is now " corrupt news".  If you are reading something that does not follow the Fox Party line you need to understand it is corrupt news.

No doubt there is corrupt science, and math.  Kadizzle has been trying to lose weight only to discover he has a corrupt scale.  The scale continually reports fake news.  No doubt Obama and Hillary have rigged the scale.  They get into everything. 

Winky came roaring into the bedroom last night with  a rant about the liquor store raffling off an AK 15 or some other mass murder gun.  Why not go to the  liquor store win a gun get a fifth and shoot the first person that pisses you off?  Everyone wants a mass murder weapon. 

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