Wednesday, October 09, 2019

City Insanity

Going from the little village of Hazen to Denver is a transition.  Every time Kadizzle visits the urban wasteland what always strikes him as insanity are the sheer number of cars.  On the train from the airport the train passed an area with acres and acres of cars.  Once upon a time Kadizzle did a calculation about how much space all the cars in the country take up.  It turned out we could cover Rhode Island with cars.  At any given moment how many people are sitting in a car?  Our obsession with cars is simply insane.  Let's say a typical person weights 200lbs.  A typical car might weigh 6,000 pounds. Considering the fact that so many people drive trucks this is easily true.  Now think about this. Often I ride my electric bike at the same speed traffic moves in the city.  The bike weighs about fifty pounds.  The bike is moving my 200lbs plus at the same speed the 6,000 lb car is moving Willy.   So it turns out that most of the gasoline in the car is moving the car not willy.  It is an incredibly inefficient and stupid way to move people, yet cars are worse than weeds.  Our country is based on unlimited energy and unlimited waste.

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