Monday, October 07, 2019

Strange addiction

What do people do?  Kadizzle has become addicted to watching the daily life of other people.  Too much time has been spent on river boats pushing barges up and down the Ohio, Mississippi, and elsewhere. Youtube can take you into the life or should I say jobs of other people.  What is the daily routine of someone else? Someone is out there making a video of rabbit hunting or adding solar power to your outhouse.  Youtube has set it up so you can make money with nonsense.  Actually Kadizzle could put adds on this nonsense and probably earn enough to get a diet coke every two years. 

Maybe you can hear it in the background. That is Karunesh chanting some music from India.  If you like sleeping it is some good music to put you to sleep.  Colors of the East is the name of the Album. Give it a try, you make like it, or hate it.

Today the journey to Denver starts.  Kadizzle will visit the snoochel.  Sylvie's acting career is in full bloom. Last night she sang the whole theme song from Frozen over the phone.  Most of the mice left the room.  The speaker on he phone does not do justice to her voice.

Kadizzle will be forced to entertain himself while Erin is at work, Fran works, and Sylvie is at school.  The plan is to go to downtown Denver and wander around.  It will be difficult to stay away from food.  Kadizzle has been trying to lessen the threat from gravity wave.  Perhaps ten pounds has dropped off this hulk somewhere.  Little sister said one dieting should identify with a starving person in a poor country.  Sleeping is more difficult when you don't go to bed half drunk and hungry.  Have not had any hooch for weeks.  One strange thing about cutting off the food supply is arthritis.  Kadizzle notices far less pain in the one finger joint that is no longer getting an adequate supply of food.  Maybe there is a link between lard and pain.  Might be the imagination, but the back seems better too.  Once you unload the truck it should take some of the squeak away from the springs.

Trump fatigue.  Trump has worn everyone down to a frazzle.  Trump is like the weeds in your garden.  You think you made some progress cleaning up the mess and come back the next day to find nothing has really changed.  Kadizzle gets depressed when he finds one more person he thought was curable buying the Trump insanity.  It is a cult.  Logic, reality, and vision do not affect cults.  If leader says it you accept it as truth, even though three minutes ago leader told you it was just the opposite.  Cult members totally relinquish their brains to the leader.  It is such a relief to free yourself from thinking.  Religion invented the idea.  Kadizzle uses it all the time.  Mrs Kadizzle will ask old Kadizzle will you clean the garage today?  Simple answer " What ever Jesus wills".  See how nice that works.  Kadizzle has no responsibility, if the garage doesn't get cleaned it was Jesus fault.  Try it. Anything you don't want to waste time thinking about just turn over to Jesus.  Maybe someone just got hit by a train, and you were a little sad, just remember that is what Jesus wanted, so it aint that big a deal.  It was just to show you what Jesus could do to you if you don't donate a little more to the basket at church.  Jesus does some strange stuff.  He sent us Trump.  Ask any simple minded evangelical.  You know when the world gets blown to hell in the Middleast it is all part of Gods plan and we get to go to heaven where there are casinos that let you win most of the time.  So turn your life over to Jesus.  If you feel like sending Kadizzle $20 go ahead, you never know it might be Jesus will.

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