Tuesday, October 08, 2019

Up very early

About 4:30 A.M Kadizzle took Winky to the airport.  Now sitting here in Dina's basement.  Dina has made the basement into an air B&B.  She did a nice job of it. Kadizzle will head out to Denver about noon.  Kadizzle had a drink with a friend who happens to be of the gay persuasion.  Gay life in North Dakota must be a bit odd.  This particular friend was involved or knew people trying to establish a gay community in a strange place.  An old abandoned town exist along the Missouri River.  For several years people of a similar mind bought up the old lots that had been plotted in the town.  For awhile it looked like the venture might be successful, but my friend tells me things have fallen apart.  The little settlement did get rural water which should have made a huge difference.

Being gay certainly has it's challenges, but Kadizzle got to thinking about some of the advantages.  You get to keep all your money, no cost for children, or a wife to support.  Someone will not like that statement.  You don't really support a wife, your wife supports you.  Anyway one might assume in a gay relationship each person has a job and contributes earned money to the game.  This would mostly be the case with men.  Discussing this with Winky her dander got up a little when she said gay couples have the cost of children.  Sometimes this is the case, but seems relatively rare.  Of course a person could have children then join the different life style.  Then you would still have to take care of your children.  At any rate the point is there is some freedom to not being in a traditional relationship.

This brings us to children.  Kadizzle loves his offspring, and hopes when he starts into the final phase of evaporating they will comfort him.  With the pearly gates getting closer it is comforting to think there will be people willing to care for you.  Who knows?   On the other hand if you never had children getting someone committed to your welfare may not be too easy.  Kadizzle knows an older woman who is slowly getting in a bind where she will have to rely on good friends to cross the finish line.  In this regard Kadizzle is mighty happy he has an extended family. 

So it will be fun to see number one grand daughter.  She is a ball of fire when it comes to energy.  This must have come from Winky who is the most energetic old lady one could imagine.  Sadly Kadizzle is like a dead battery that barely lights a bulb.

Well with time on my hand to waste another topic.  Kadizzle just watched an interesting video on modular nuclear power plants.  These power plants which could be built in a factory are extremely safe, and could be the answer to our climate and energy problems.  The big obstacle is the Hoopleheads. Convincing the Hooples that nuclear energy could be safe is like trying to get them to quit Fox News. s
There are certainly people who do not want nuclear to compete with coal, oil, and so on.  If you get bored look into this. 

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