Thursday, October 31, 2019

Talking to the unwashed

Kadizzle has made it a point in his life to converse with people on the bottom of the economic totem pole.  Just this morning Kadizzle spoke for some time with the front desk clerk at this hotel.  These people are getting beat up badly by Republican policies.  Sadly they do not dig into anything deeply. 
They have a very poor understanding of how the government works, where taxes come from and where they go.  The fellow at the dest did not understand that your number of dependents has nothing to do with social security.  These people are vaguely aware of if the sun is shining or not.  These people are easy prey for Rush Limbaugh, Donald Trump, the NRA and on it goes.  You can sell these people magic pillows and erection pills.  The guy at the front desk was smoking one of those vaping devices.  Kadizzle tried to explain to him how bad it was for his health.  He had himself convinced that his vaping device was ok, it was just the ones on the black market that are a problem.  This is a classic case of believing what fits your narrative. 

One common thread you find talking to the service sector is the belief that the poor are the problem.  Republicans have done a good job of convincing the poor that other poor are the enemy.  This is so much like the old days when workers were split up by telling the Irish the Italians were the problem, or maybe it was black people.  One thing we have learned about history is we have learned nothing about history.  The economics of the depression where the rich stole everything is happening once more.

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