Friday, September 23, 2016

The definition of stubborn

Frequently old Kadizzle gets into a kerfuffle with someone on the other side of an issue.  How do you get someone to consider a different point of view?  Sometimes when you read something from an authoritative source you just have to say " Well, I guess I was wrong".  Now Kadizzle thought he might have a solution. Kadizzle went to a friend on the other side of the fence and said "  If you read this article I will donate $20 to your church".   All you have to do is read the article and underline the parts of the article you think are untrue or wrong.  The good church going fellow crumpled up the article and handed it back.  No way was he going to read anything he disagreed with, even if it meant some poor person might benefit from such a simple act.  Today Kadizzle made the same offer.  The results have not come in yet, but the results are predictable.  People do not want to even consider evidence that contradicts firmly held beliefs.  People gather information.  The Commander and Kadizzle have both worked for the Census.  We went door to door and gathered information about peoples income, jobs, and other information. Many organizations gather real data.  You can find out how many people donate blood, you can find out if the rich or poor pay more in taxes, you can find out if the rich or poor donate more to charity.  The IRS puts out data.  They do not make it up.  The State of North Dakota will release information gathered in a careful manner.  So there is such a thing as reliable, real information.  Do most people on welfare work?  You can find out.  On a percentage basis do the rich pay more or less to charity?  You can find out.  Do Canadians like their health care?  You can find out.  

One of the simplest ways in the world to get information is to gather it yourself.  Kadizzle for years has done two surveys.  Kadizzle often ask strangers " Do you know people making over $118,000 don't have to pay any social security on that money earned over $118,000".  Kadizzle has found out most people are unaware of the cap.  Kadizzle has interviewed 95 Canadians about their views on health care.  90 them said they would not give up their system for ours.  So what do you do when you seek the truth?  Do you tune in Rush Limbaugh,  do you believe Donald Trump, do you find someone who you think will agree with you?

The other day Kadizzle was trying to polish his Earth module.  In his mind he wondered which polish worked best.  A friend said this stuff called Flitz worked best.  Kadizzle tried it side by side with the old 3M product he often used.  Looking at it the 3M seemed to work far better.  You can actually test things.  An important question is where did you get your answer?  Trump always says " People say, or I heard".  When people cannot point to the source of their information or it turns out to be a bogus survey like the NRA does you have a problem.  What is a bogus survey?  There are statistical and scientific ways to gather information from the public.  There are bogus surveys where you ask people from a certain group a question.  In the end it all comes down to how do you know what you think you know.

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