Tuesday, September 13, 2016


What do you do when you have the double epizootic?  One good solution is to sit, drink tea, and watch television. Last winter Kadizzle and The Supreme Commander spent hours watching Narcos.  Narcos is a quasi true story about Pablo Escobar the worlds most famous drug dealer. Once you start it is like candy you cannot resist watching more. Now, keep in mind this is being told to you by a man who rarely gets caught up in TV shows.  You can get the whole thing on Netflix.  What makes it so hard to ignore is that most of it is very true and actually happened.  Once scene that was revealing was the sheer volume of money that had to be shipped back to Columbia.  Escobar literally had mattresses stuffed with money and piles of them sent to him from Florida.  The influence of drug money in Florida is astounding.  To this day Florida must be swimming in drug money.

Sitting here typing NPR is talking about the Koch Brothers.  Now the Koch brothers are the biggest drug dealers in the world.  Their drug is oil. The Koch brothers have purchased the United States government. The Koch Brothers own North Dakota, lock, stock, and barrel. That is why you will never see a Democrat elected in North Dakota. Oh  yest there will be token Democrats, like token blacks, but they will have no power.  Heidi Heitkemp is a perfect example.  She sings with the Republican choir.

The strange thing about our society is that information flows freely.  You can find things out, you can do research, you can get different opinions, yet most people prefer to have some simple minded idiot on Fox News or Rush Limbaugh feed them bullshit.

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