Monday, January 15, 2024


 A revelation getting older is that so many people are only semi conscious. Think about it. How could aa conscious person with a functioning brain believe nonsense. Two thing prove the point, religion, and Republicans. Neither make any  rational sense. The insanity of religion is endless, so is the insanity of Trump, yet people line up to believe both. The planet is on fire, people are starving, and no one notices. 

Kadizzle watched a short video about the end of Hitler. One general tried to tell Hitler the game was over, but the other ten said no problem. All the signs were there, the Russians were at the front door, and the Americans were at the back door, but reality was no where to be found. That is the United States 2024. Millions of cultist are sure a good dictator named Donald Trump is what we need. No one notices he is a liar, a cheat, and con man of the first order. Nope, just ignore what you hear and see, tune to a channel that says everything is fine. 

Our little town is struggling economically. What should we do, what is the cause. The answer is right there, but no one sees it. When the rich stole everything there was nothing left for the peasants. It is that simple, but nope, didn't notice. Payson has two compounds for the terminally wealthy. They live in gated communities with golf courses and multi million dollar homes, but no one can make the connection. The bum walkers live in a rat trailer, with chain link fence surrounding it. Not a clue how they got there. They are unconscious. 

Kadizzle always thinks of the people in Berlin, or the Japanese. Both got fried in World War Two. When the atomic bomb turned people into ash instantly did they get any smarter, the ones that lived? Maybe a little bit, but Trump is going to turn us into a nation of dolts, does anyone notice? Nope, history is meaningless. How is your football team doing?

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