Saturday, January 06, 2024

A Band of Patriots.

Old people, let's face it the donut gang is old people. Today at ten maybe thirty or forty people with gather at Democratic headquarters. General donut has started a successful group of people who want to preserve democracy. These soldiers hobble to the door and sit in a circle. The microphone gets passed around and everyone has a chance to talk. Most of the talk is about the predicament we are in with the evil cult of the Trumpster. How can we get out the vote and defeat this demon? Where are the young people who will inherit Nazi Trumpdom? Why don't the young rebel? What happened to the sixties attitude?

These are the best of times, the economy is doing fine, these are the worst of times, Hoopleheads have infested our country.  Are we really. on the verge of voting ourselves into oblivion? The Germans did it. Wow, did they get their money's worth.  Do we want Gaza here? Apparently the Hoopleheads never have enough fun just plain being idiots they want to share the love. 

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