Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Screaming for censorship

Payson has a facebook page called Payson Unfiltered. The concept seemed to be free speech, but when the Hooples got hammered they screamed and the filter was turned on. Hooples have no ability with language. Hooples use phrases they heard on right wing radio, or from some dinger like Rush Limbaugh. Logic, reasoning, and deep thought escape the Hooples. Trump of course cashes in on the shallow thinking of the Hooples. A local group calls itself Transparent Payson. It is like the Klan posing as the NAACP. 

You have to give the Hooples credit, the only free media in this small town is the Payson Roundup. The Hooples have successfully shut down all other communication. Sadly the Hooples are even putting pressure on the newspaper. All Hoople meetings are closed to normal people. Local social media is now sewed up. The Hooples are attacking the town council. 

We are slipping into the Trump dictatorship. Those who think "it can't happen here" are going to wake up to an insane world if the snollygoster gets elected. World War Two Germany will be on the shores of America.  The sheer mass of people who do not vote, and the number of poorly informed uneducated people is astounding. No one will lose more than women, minorities, and anyone who is not a white nationalist. If moral normal people don't get with the program we are doomed. Complacency will put the cork in democracy. 

Trump is openly planning his dictatorship. His staff is choosing the worst of the worst to carry out his vengeance. Meanwhile everyone is watching football. 


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