Monday, January 22, 2024

The Hooples went wild

 In the small world of small town social media the Hoopleheads can usually keep all dissent under control. The classic is the right wing radio station. If a deranged Hoople calls in with a conspiracy theory the talk show host will let them go on forever. On the other hand if a normal person calls in and questions a lying politician, KMOG quickly cuts them off. 

Kadizzle had a great day yesterday posting on a local facebook page that calls itself "unfiltered".  It drove the Hoopleheads nuts. Everyone of the Hoople heroes came out of the woodwork to whine. 

If a person read through the entire exchange they would quickly see the Hooples have a difficult time with complex thought. One amusing thing they do is add "tard" to a word, like demtard, or libtard. This quickly labels the writer as an idiot. Another thing amusing about the Hooples is they cannot respond in print, they often use cartoons, pictures or other cheap graphics because their minds never grasped the use of words. 

A favorite of the Hooples is to call any rational person hateful. If you tell a Hoople there is no Easter Bunny the response will be "why are you so hateful". 

The childlike nature of the Hooples is the problem. Trump knows how easy these children can be manipulated. Scaring children, and lying to them is no difficult task. Trump knows that and uses it to the max. Don't try to explain complex things to brains that don't grasp complexity. The Hooples are children caught in a world of scary things, and childish fantasies. None the less they are a threat. God must have loved the simple minded, he made so many of them. 

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