Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Leaving the campsite

For many years we have moved about and used uncountable campsites. One thing a decent person does is make sure you don't leave a mess. Well the time is coming for Kadizzle to leave campsite Earth. Kadizzle will soon be 75, and chances are he will not make it past 85.  Campsite Earth is a mess. Kadizzle lives in the lap of luxery, but what will the children and grandchildren be left with? The current crop of old geezers sucked up everything and wasted it. We burnt the coal senseless, we spewed the oil, we paved every inch, we made a mess. 

The physical mess alone is a disaster, but if we leave our country with a clown like Trump we have really defiled the outhouse. We had a workable system with abundant resources and a reasonable form of government. We squandered it all. While everyone was watching sports we allowed the greed dogs called Republicans to shovel the wealth to the Republicans. Our children will struggle to breath, to eat, and to exist, why? Greed, more, more, more. The rich need bigger yachts, bigger homes, more cars, better clothes. The hell with the people all over the world who have nothing. " I earned it, it is my money, I can do what I want".  That is the Republican song. No, its not your money, you stole, just like the slaveholders did. Why pretend you are noble. The master on the plantation was not noble. Now what are you going to do? You are going to elect someone just like the plantation master, Donald Trump. That arrogant asshole will make you feel better, because you want to shit in a gold toilet. Wait and see, how's that working for you?

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