Thursday, September 12, 2019

Won another ten million today

It is getting old winning two to seven million in one day from Publishers Clearing House.  As Kadizzled finished up the fraud call he wondered how do Republicans react to this fraud? Do they bite? After all the ultimate con man lies to them every day.  It would be very interesting to know how many Republicans fall for the Clearing House fraud vs the normal people.  Today it only cost Kadizzle 2, 800.28 dollars to win 7 million.  Earlier today Kadizzle won two million.  Trump voters must be like picking the low hanging fruit for these con artist.  Kadizzle likes to lead on the fraud guys clear to the end just to waste their time.  The nice guy told me exactly how to fill out the check and mail it to him overnight.  It would take the van up to an hour to come to my house with the check.  Hopefully there will be room for all the vans to deliver the money.  The nice fraud guy asked Kadizzle if it would be OK to call him " Mr. Millionaire".  Sure you can.  At the end of the call Kadizzle asked fraud man to quit calling the money is just piling up.  In the last two months Kadizzle has won over 30 million.  Winning millions is such a nuisance when you are riding your bike or painting the house.  It is extremely hard to believe these guys cannot be caught.  The strangest thing is they use a computer generated voice to hide their real voice.  Who in the hell falls for this stuff?  There must be enough Republicans to make it worthwhile.

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