Thursday, September 19, 2019

Good Morning Boys and Girls

North Dakota only has one writer worth the trees that get killed to make his paper. Tony Bender did a nice job of shooting up the NRA idiots that populate the state.  Read his article in the Inforum.

Today making America Great Again will involve replacing more curtain strings.  It is a frustrating job. Winky loves to raise and lower curtains so Kadizzle has become a curtain expert replacing all the worn strings in the shades. In fact word has got out and Kadizzle even has to do it for the neighbors.

Trump is working hard on messing up a one car funeral.  Bone Spurs will surely stir up a war in the middle east.  Amazing anyone will work for him.  Who would sign on to be the next captain of the Titanic.  Be assured those who go to work for Trump are selected by how from divorced from reality they are.  If you can do brain surgery on a mosquito you can work for Trump.

Fall is here and soon Winky will go nuts when a leaf falls in the yard.  Every ten minutes we will have to run the mower out to pick up any errant leaves. 

Homelessness in the United States.  What insanity.  The rich have two or three very nice houses. The poor should find a nice culvert to live in.  This all reminds Kadizzle of forty or fifty years ago when he read about bum nest in the Wall Street Journal.  Someone in San Fran Cisco came up with the idea to stack culverts like pigeon nest.  In each culvert they placed a piece of plywood to give the bums a level sleeping area.  The bums were supposed to crawl into the nest at night and sleep.  Why not design bridges so people can live under them.  Might be a cheap way to make bum nest.  Of course we would never want to tax the rich and build bum nest.  That would spoil the bums.  Why are the most bums where the most rich people are.  Wonder who took the money.

Kadizzle wants to start a new program called Bum Walkers.   Bums would get paid a nice sum for picking up litter.  If you qualified as a Bum Walker you would get ten cents a can for aluminum cans, the same for bottles, and 25 cents a pound for most other trash.  All a Bum would have to do is walk around with their shopping cart and pick up trash.  A lot of Bums are already doing it.  Bums might get paid five dollars to take a shower.  Why not make bumming respectable.  Bums could be made into spies.  Bums could report on drug dealers, thieves and so on.  Bums could be a resource instead of a problem.  Why not build nice bum nest.  This brings us to Denver.  As you ride the rapid transit into Denver you see an old lot with tiny, nice bum nest.  If you want to join Bum Walkers let me know.  Kadizzle may just give it a try.  While riding the ebike along the waterways in Denver, Kadizzle saw many of the Bum units.  When Trump and the Republicans allow the rich to make slaves out of the working class we will have more Bums.  Our best insurance is to make Bum life better.

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