Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Danger, Danger, political post

Just got back from Sam's Club. On each visit Kadizzle deliberately campaigns against Trump. Today Kadizzle had two good intense conversations with a black woman, and a black employee.  We discussed the Trump disaster at length.  The male employee was very sharp and had a lot of good observations. Kadizzle wanted to know from a minority person what went wrong.  Just like Kadizzle the employee said he went to bed thinking no way in hell would anyone with a brain vote for Trump.  He thought a landslide was assured for Hillary.  Kadizzle thought the same thing.  So will the minorities get out and rid us of this curse?  Well about half my contacts act like they don't give a damn, so it was very refreshing to talk to these two people.

Trump has reached a level  of insanity, stupidity, graft, and destruction even skeptics find hard to believe.  Trump's desire to destroy everything good is amazing, and there they are the idiots who still support him.  One thing that Kadizzle heard from a friend, and a person who has no use for Trump is " Well maybe he did a few good things".  Sure, but it is the old Hitler made the trains run on time routine.  Have you ever been to a timeshare presentation.  It sounds great, but you can sit there and see the fallacy, maybe.  A whole lot of people buy into the scam.  Trump is the ultimate con man.  Tell the dolts what they want to hear.  If they want to hear red today, and green tomorrow, just tell them what is popular at the moment.

It was very interesting getting a black mans perspective on politics. Kadizzle asked him to explain the black attitude.  Basically he said black people expect to suffer, and don't expect much to change.  Pretty sad when you think about it, but there must be a way to turn things around.

Trump's assault on the environment is beyond belief. The Kadizzles are on their way home from an incredibly scenic vacation.  Your typical American has no clue of the treasures in this country.  You will never know unless you get off your ass and look.  We, we own the land.  Two thirds of most Western states are publicly owned.  It is a treasure.  Trump and his rats want to steal our country and give it to their rich buddies.  You should at least go out and see what they want to steal.  At the Grand Canyon the haze often obstructs what was once a pristine view.  Trump is trying his best to make it worse.

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