Friday, September 13, 2019

Elizabeth Warren

Kadizzle has not paid as much attention to the debates as he should, but it looks like Warren is emerging as his choice.  Warren is promoting the idea Kadizzle has pushed hard for.  Make the rich pay into social security.  If the cap on social security were raised the sun would shine.  Currently no social security is paid on any dollar earned over 138,000 dollars.  Our country could have a retirement age of 60 for everyone, and health care if only people would wake up to the massive fraud the tax now is.  Why do poor people have to pay a 7% tax for being poor?  Social Security is the biggest tax break imaginable for the wealthy.  Imagine suddenly making 7% more.  It is even worse than this.  If you are self employed you get a 15% break for being rich. 

What if we tried to put more money in the hands of working people?  The solution is simple.  Have people making under 50 thousand only pay two percent into social security.  Make up the difference by making the rich pay on every dollar they earn.  This would stimulate the economy, and enable young families to thrive.  Please someone tell me why this will not work.  As it currently stands social security is the biggest fraud pulled on working people.  The most amazing thing about this entire discussion is that you typical dinger has no clue the rich don't pay.  Ask ten dingers today if they know the rich do not pay in.  Be assured  nine out ten do not know.

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