Wednesday, September 18, 2019

A loyal reader walking down the street.

Hazen is the little town where Kadizzle resides.  You could drive through the town and not realize how wealthy the town is.  The average income in Hazen is $10,000 per family higher than the average in the United States.  However, the people refuse to pay taxes or for just about anything.  A Kadizzle reader was walking down the street today and we met and had a conversation about the sidewalks in Hazen.  In many instance the sidewalks are non-existent.   On the main thourofares is is not unusual to constantly go from cement to grass. The law requires home owners to install sidewalks, but they ignore the law.  Nothing ever gets done.  One person actually tore out the sidewalk and planted trees. 

So once more winter will come and young women will push their babies down the street in slush and snow with cars splashing them because we pretend like we are broke in Hazen.

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