Monday, September 30, 2019

Rain, rain, rain

Never has there been a wet summer like this.  The grass never turned brown like it usually does in July.

Kadizzle is trying, in fact actually losing some of the Earth's influence on his mass.  Kadizzle is on a fasting diet.  Try not to eat anything.  Cannot give up coffee with some sweetener.  The first goal is to make it until noon with no food.  Next comes three in the afternoon.  The shadow has diminished to the tune of maybe ten pounds. Run to the scale early and often.  The big win is in the morning when the meat has dried out.  Now maybe two or three times during the day you can run in on the scale and see who is winning.  A good scale number at bed time is a victory for Jesus.  That means you will get a good number in the morning. Of course things get tuff when the devil sends agents.  Bob and Liz came down with pie and ice cream.  You thing you could throw a hamburger in front of a dog and the dog would sniff and go away. Forget it, Kadizzle at dat pie, and da icecream.  Then there are the folks like Stoupini who offer a free lunch now and then.

Kadizzle has been assiduously studying science and physics. If the Earth had less mass it would help with the weight problem.  If we could remove the mass in the White House a lot of weight would be lifted from thinking people. 

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