Sunday, September 29, 2019

There is no Chicken meat until the Chicken is fried

Sunday morning news shows.  Will they fry the chicken?  Who knows.  Never has there been a mafia boss like Trump. Remember Al Capone?  They got him on tax evasion.  The Hoopleheads cannot see the truth if it fell on them.  When the cry was " drain the swamp",  Kadizzle had no idea the swampers were everywhere.  When Trump ran for election people Kadizzle thought had some semblance of decency came out of the bushes for Trump. Right here in Hazen we have more swampers than normal people.

A normal person can spot a lie, knows science, and can add.  A swamper is totally different.  A good swamper can be in the swamp up to their neck and think they are in bath water enjoying some relaxation.  The whole thing comes down to taking care of the haves and making sure the have nots don't get too much.  Who cares about anything as long as we get the tax breaks for the wealthy.  Always remember the Hoopleheads play the lottery.  Next week every Hooplehead is going to win the lottery.  Now the Hoopleheads plan for the future.  Do you think when the Hoopleheads win the lottery and join the one percent they want to pay taxes?  Of course not.  So the Hooples don't vote for this week, the Hooples vote for next week when they are rich. 

Meanwhile back here at the local swamp the one percent is squealing.  Up at the lake where they tear down $800,000 homes to build $2,000,000 homes taxes are making them mad.  Down here twelve miles away where we cannot afford to pay teachers, or have sidewalks we wonder where we could get some cheese. 

No one remembers the good old days.  There was a magic time when mom could stay home and raise kids.  Back then dad could make enough cheese to feed the family.  Now you pay 30 grand for day care to get an artificial mom.  Progress.

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