Monday, December 10, 2018

The Placebo effect

Old Grandpa is very proud of his Sylvie on the right.  With her friend they won the science fair and will go on to the state science fair in Colorado.  The experiment was about the placebo effect.  The two little scientist gave the students in their class Gatorade and told them it would improve their memory.  It worked.  Sylvie is very fortunate.  She goes to a good school, has great teachers, wonderful parents, and a system that supports learning.  A young mind is a terrible thing to waste.

This kid grew up under much better conditions than Kadizzle did.  In one year more was spent on her child care than Kadizzle paid for his entire college education.  Sylvie's first nanny was her aunt Katy who did a wonderful job.  Next she had Carlie an art instructor care for her during the day for years. Sylvie has been to countless museums, art galleries, musicals, and even traveled to foreign countries.

Children are our greatest resource.  Planting the seeds of curiosity in a young person does not take a lot of effort.  As our country pisses away money on the military and border walls maybe people should think about the return on investment in children.

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