Sunday, December 09, 2018

Mind Boggling

Kadizzle has traveled about the country quite a bit.  On two occasions the sight of trains has struck him. The first was in Wyoming.  There he watched a unit train fill with coal.  It was an epiphany.  The amount of coal being burnt in this country is staggering.  Your average person has no concept, but we are burning about one trainload of coal every 15 minutes.  What is a train load of coal?  Each car on a unit train holds 100 tons of coal.  There are 100 cars on a unit train, do the math.  We are creating a problem at an unimaginable rate.  Kadizzle used to work at a coal mine.  Just at our mine we had two shovels, huge pieces of equipment.  Each shovel would fill your living room with coal with one scoop. The coal was being burned as fast ass we could get it to the power plant.  We are cooking the planet with pollution.

Now to train story two.  Yesterday Kadizzle and Jasper were in Winslow Arizona.  Kadizzle asked some old guy how many trains per day went through there.  The old guy said maybe six.  He did not pay much attention.  Four trains went through in just the hour Kadizzle was there.  Kadizzle asked another person with a functioning brain the same question that person said as many as 200 trains a day went by.  The latter figure is likely more correct.   As we ate breakfast at the La Pasada train station and looked out the window you could see a train go by about every 15 minutes.   Most of these trains are carrying containers from China or some other country on the other side of the Pacific.  It is just unimaginable that each one of those thousands of containers if full of stuffed animals, televisions, cell phones,  furniture ready to fall apart, you name it.  The bottom line is we are consuming crap at a rate that is insane.  How much of that crap will be in a city or county landfill withing weeks?   Train after train over a mile long hauling crap, junk, nonsense.  As trainloads of stuffed animals from China head to Walmart people somewhere don't have a home, don't have electricity, or a pot to piss in.  Insane is the only description that works.  Poverty is the result of the wrong priorities. 

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