Thursday, December 20, 2018

French Perfume

A thousand dollars an ounce, supposedly that is what the French perfume cost the add was for.  A film crew showed up to use the bridge here as a backdrop for an add.  The add must have cost at least two hundred thousand for just the part they did here.  At Little MIke's picnic site there were about one hundred people associated with the film crew.  Little Mike was going nuts talking to the French actresses for the commercial.  Kadizzle decided Little Mike needed help managing the rest rooms. It was a ruse so Kadizzle could enjoy the catered lunch for the event.  So all went as planned and we had a good lunch.  Last year they had a film crew doing and add for truck tires.

Today we went up to Oak Flat to clear some trail.  While Kadizzle waited at the bottom of the mountain for the crew to work they way down he encountered a lonely old guy camping in the wilderness from his pickup. Kadizzle offered to show the guy an Indian site and the two took off on a nice hike. The guy looked out of shape, but was a good hiker and Kadizzle had to tell him to slow down.  So here we sit waiting for that idiot to shut the government down over his silly wall.  Trump's silly childish fits cost a lot of money, but the Hoopleheads love the drama.

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