Sunday, December 16, 2018

No tablets once more

Kadizzle took the ebike up the mountain yesterday. It was steep and the battery did it's best to get the lump on the seat up the mountain.  Even with the assist it seemed like a heart attack was eminent.  On the top of the mountain is an old asbestos mine.  Once in the past Kadizzle tried to ride the motorcycle up to the mine.  The road was in such bad shape it was impossible, but someone has worked on the road and now it is doable.  Since it was late in the day and the ride was exhausting Kadizzle turned back before he got to the top.  Coming down a steep grade on a bike is not easy.  As the bike approached the truck Kadizzle smelled burning brakes like you do from a truck.  Kadizzle touched the disk brakes on the bike and got a good burn on his finger.  The brakes had heated extremely lowering the lump down from the mountain.  If only that energy could be captured.

Now for the political update.  Checking the Bismarck Tribune today Kadizzle came across a letter to the editor.  The letter from one of Kadizzle's critics was titled " Quinn's letter crosses the line".   The writer claimed that calling Trump a liar is not fair.   The writer of the letter said that Trump did not lie about the wall on the border.  When Trump said he would build a wall and Mexico would pay for it. Trump did not mean Mexico would pay cash for the wall.  What Trump meant was Mexico would pay because they could not export drugs and immigrants.  The original letter Quinn sent criticized evangelicals for electing Trump.  The critic took up their side by saying what an honorable man Trump is.  Thank ya Jesus the Bismarck Tribune is more decent than most newspapers in the state and does print a variety of opinions.

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