Friday, December 07, 2018

Smart Juice

Kadizzle takes such great joy in his granddaughter Sylvie.  With great excitement we spoke to here and got to see her on the phone. Sylvie won first place in her class science project, and second place in the school. Sylvie will get to go to the state science fair.

One has to laugh when Sylvie explains the experiment.  Sylvie's experiment was about the placebo effect.  Sylvie gave the teacher a list of nonsense words to read to the class.  After hearing the words the class was told to write down as many of the twenty words as they could remember.

Next the classmates were told they would be given a special concoction that improved their memory. (It was Gatorade).  Again another list of nonsense words was read to the class and the students were asked to write them down.  As expected the placebo effect worked. The statistics said the magic juice worked.

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