Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Flying to Florida

A nice flight on a full size plane to Atlanta. Sitting here in the Delta lounge soaking up the " Freebies".   Actually not free, but they let us in for thirty bucks, but we get free beer, wi fi, and lots of food.  Now we have to wait until 9:30 to catch the next plane.  We have been very sad thinking about Trump in the White House spending Christmas as he thinks who to fire next. He should be golfing. It would be so nice if he were under the grass.  How can one human be such an evil piece of excrement?  Each day he figures how can he ruin the environment, the economy, health care, education, you name it. His evil never ends.  Silly people think they can control this mentally ill midget.  The Hoopeleheads love him. They guys with the guns, the NASCAR hats, the loud mufflers, and the small IQ's just love Trump. Trump according to them is a man of his word. Well, maybe yes.  He promised to mess things up and now he has.  It was all fine until he attacked Kadizzle's retirement account. It was bound to happen. Leave a dog in the room with the turkey on the table and what do you think will happen.  What does it take to wake up the Hoopleheads?  Anyway we will see our little grand daughter in the morning. That is one of the grand daughters Trump is destroying the world for.   Never has Kadizzle felt so sure there is no God.  Even the most incompetent God would hit Trump with lightening, or at least set his bung hole afire with cancer.  God has plenty of time to starve children, but cannot spare a few moments to infect Trump with some ungodly disease that eats his little brain.

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