Thursday, December 06, 2018

Russian ignorance bomb.

The Russians figured it out.  Why spend billions on nuclear weapons when you can bomb the United States with stupidity? Americans have become so dumb we supposedly elected Donald Trump.  Trump showed us 40% of our population is hard core stupid. The Russians know this, Fox news knows this, and so do all the crooks, and con men like Trump.  So what do the Russians do?  The Russians feed our appetite for stupidity.  Trump or Fox News starts some childish idea that scares the simple mined. Russian hackers use our social media to fire up the nonsense.  The Russians realize chaos is the best weapon to confuse idiots.  How does the lion attack the herd?  The lion just charges into the herd and creates chaos.  With the confusion the lion gets the opportunity to prey on one of the herd.  The Russians realized Republican greed is destroying the United States, so the Russians just use social media to hype up the Republican party and what they are doing. Republicans are destroying the country with debt.  The Russians realize tax cuts for the rich create debt for our country.  So the Russians get a stooge like Trump to help run up the debt and the Republicans go along with it.  Fox News, Rush, and the other right wing medial pumps up the trickle down theory.  Look at the damage Trump has done to everything in our country.  Trump has destroyed race relations, the environment, science, education, and on it goes.  Trump was helped along in all this by Russian hackers helping to dumb down the dumbest among us.  So it will not be radiation that kills us, it will be stupidity.

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