Friday, October 09, 2015

When Technology spins out of control.

A pilot might let some novice fly a giant plane, but the pilot would be right there all the time.  The pilot would not got to the restroom and leave the novice in the cockpit.  Computers are both very simple, and very complicated.  On the most basic level all a computer can do is make a yes or no decision,  however the complication comes when the computer gets to make ten million yes or no decisions in one tenth of a second.

Yesterday the Kadizzles had a friend over to see some wedding pictures from Megan's recent wedding.  The pictures were primarily on The Commanders phone.  The Commander treats here phone like it is an external heart.  If her phone has any problem it is similar to a heart attack.  There is always, any second going to be a phone call that will be the start of a crises beyond imagination.  The phone must be ready.  Remember the old phone line between Moscow and Washington DC that was supposed to prevent an accidental nuclear war.  The Commanders phone is just as important.

Back to the story.  In order to see the pictures on a larger scale Kadizzle plugged the iphone of The Commander into the computer.  This is where all hell broke lose.  By some strange quirk, The laptop turned The Commander's phone into Kadizzle's old iphone.  This was a very strange and perplexing event, but needless to say The Commander hit warp speed insanity.  First it was a call to Verizon. Verizon was perplexed.  Next, Verizon put The Commander in touch with Apple.  Two hours later the problem was finally resolved.  What about drove Kadizzle completely insane was listening to The Commander talk to the poor lady on the phone from Apple.  It was a continual "Who is on first" comedy routine.  If you know The Commander you know she is hyperactive beyond belief.  Her brain rushes to a conclusion so fast it would drive anyone insane.  When Kadizzle walks out the door The Commander says " Shut the door" before he is halfway through the door. The Apple lady was probably about to commit suicide before the whole thing was over.  Nothing could be worse than trying to tell someone over the phone which button to push.

Kadizzle could just imagine being in a plane crash with The Commander as a copilot.  Kadizzle would say as the plane plummeted toward the ground, " Just let me fly the plane".  The Commander would say, "No, just tell me what to do".   Kadizzle would say " Start the engines".  The Commander would say " Ok, let me sit there and start the engine".  After the engine got started The Commander would say " Give me that control stick, your going to ruin the plane".  This argument would go on until the plane crashed.  As two crippled people walked away from the plane crash they would still be arguing about who caused the crash.

If The Commander reads this, you will hear a loud explosion emanate from Hazen.  Sometimes The Commander reads this crap, and other times she does not.  When you live under the rule of The Commander you better behave, this is a lesson Kadizzle never learned.

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