Monday, October 12, 2015

A Haint came to our window

Kadizzle has not ever thought of the word haint for years, but tonight there was something strange going on at the bedroom window.  Kadizzle was surfing the net laying in bed.  This strange rapping started on the window.  At first Kadizzle thought maybe The Commander was outside rapping on the window for some reason.  Kadizzle got the big boat spotlight which is by the bed and looked out.  Nothing seemed to be out there, so Kadizzle looked for The Commander and found her in the other room watching TV.

So the only explanation is that it was a haint.  Apparently Haints are like ghost.  If a person dies and does not got to the beyond they are stuck here for a time as a haint.  Haint is a southern term, and no one knows where it came from for sure.

Another possibility is it might be the local vandals.  Well perhaps the haint will return later.  Is it a crime to shoot a haint ?  Perhaps when the haint comes back Kadizzle will fire a few shotgun rounds at the window.  The Commander says this is unacceptable because we just had all new windows put in the house.  If Kadizzles pheasant hunting was an indication of his shooting ability the haint will not be in much danger.  Not sure if haint season is open yet.

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