Friday, October 09, 2015

Father Forgive Us

Morning, with the coffee brewing.  John Prine is singing, " Father forgive us for what we must do, you forgive us, we will forgive you".  What was God thinking when he made people different colors? What was he thinking when he sent different messages to different parts of the world? What was he thinking when he invented flies and mosquitoes.  What was he thinking when he invented cancer?

You simply cannot have it both ways. You cannot say god controls everything, then say he is responsible for nothing.  If god cannot control cancer they why pray?  If God cannot control famine, then why ask.  Of course you can just throw your hands up and say "We must have faith".  If the house was on fire you would get out, you would not sit there and have faith the fire will go out.  Father forgive us, and we will forgive you. I think John Prine has it right.

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