Wednesday, October 14, 2015

A brain smaller than a golf ball

It is fall and the pheasant Jihad is on.  Yesterday Kadizzle, and The Commander attacked the insurgents south of town.  Now keep in mind pheasants are not native to this country, they are an introduced species from China.  Kadizzle does not like killing anything. Pheasants and grouse are all Kadizzle hunts.  There is no excuse for killing a grouse, but people do need to eat, so just look at it like getting your chicken meat.

Pheasants have three choices, run, hide, or fly.  Somehow the little bird brains know you are coming from a long way off.  The little dingers hear cars go by every day so usually they ignore it.  However, when the insurgents hear a car door slam they put on their running shoes and they are off.

Since Kadizzle has been at war with the pheasants for so long he knows some of their tactics, and unfortunately the bird brains know a lot of Kadizzles tricks.  The best offense against the cacklers is to herd them to the end of a tree row and have someone posted there to send them to the pot.  Leakage is the problem.  At the morning bird meetings the pheasants discuss the need to get out of the tree row before the end.  If Kadizzle's army is big enough there will be shotgun soldiers posted to keep leakage under control. Come out prematurely and you will get shot.  Nothing is better than being the poster. That is the guy at the end when the enemy pours out.  Shooting an oncoming overhead B 52 pheasant is a pleasure.  Kadizzle shot one of the poor fellows and he kept flying, but just like his engines failed he nose dived and now is in the freezer.

Do the pheasants have weapons?  Yes, but they are phycological.  The pheasants job is to make the hunter feel stupid.  One classic is just to hide an let you walk by.  They get up behind you, and fly away giving you the finger.  The best weapon the pheasant has is the heart attack.  Kadizzle knows of a group of pheasants that have their morning meeting and all they discuss is giving Kadizzle a heart attack.   Here is their technique. These birds live by a deep coulee.   In small increments they lead Kadizzle to the coulee.  Like an idiot they lead him up and down the steep banks.  Kadizzle's heart thumps like it is going to explode and he can hear the cacklers laughing as they fly away.  Another heart attack technique is for the pheasant to sit until you just about step on them.  The hen pheasants usually have this job.  They fly out from under your crotch and scare the lead right out of you.

There is an interesting thing or two that happens when you hunt pheasants.  Sometimes the hawks know what you are doing.  You scare up the pheasant, and the hawk comes down and gets it for dinner.  Once while hunting near the knife river Kadizzle realized a fox was walking down below him on the river waiting for Kadizzle to shoot a pheasant.  Sure enough up popped the pheasant.  Kadizzle had a wonderful shot. The pheasant plunged dead down onto the ice on the river.  Before Kadizzle got there the fox did. Now, who was outfoxed?

Last year old Kadizzle was hunting with Sam. Kadizzle plugged a pheasant and was walking along telling Sam pheasant stories. Kadizzle told Sam about the time they popped one in the back of a pickup truck with a topper.  When Bob opened the topper to put some more pheasants in one came alive and flew out. Bob shot the poor fellow and put him back in.  Right after Kadizzle told Sam the story our group had to cross a fence.  Kadizzle decided to crawl under the fence.  Kadizzle handed Sam the gun and crawled under the fence.  Just as Kadizzle came out from under the fence the pheasant Kadizzle had shot earlier came out of the pouch, and flew away.  Kadizzle took his gun from Sam and shot, but missed.  You know at the morning pheasant meeting that bird will have a story to tell.

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