Monday, December 10, 2007

The World Box

The Commander and Lord Kadizzle are having a heated argument, about his lordships idea for a World Box. What in the hell is a World Box? Lord Kadizzle believes a box could be designed with modern technology that would enable some poor person in the third world to live at a higher level, with less impact on the environment. Since the Kadizzles are living in the RV version of a world box, the thought comes naturally. How could you make this box cheaper, and more self sufficient? If the box had no wheels and did not sit on a trailer frame, the cost would drop. If both the interior wall and exterior wall were fiber glass that cold all be molded, the cost should drop. Many sail boats are made this way. The beds, seats, and almost everything else is just part of the mold. Now to power. If the box was powered by wind and solar our poor third world friend could probably have light, ventilation, and a few other modern amenities. Since there is a move afoot to provide all third world people a laptop for under a hundred dollars the box dweller could have access to the internet. Heat, waste, and water would need careful thought. Most third world water problems can be solved with fairly inexpensive filters. Some sort of self composting toilet would need to be built into the box. The whole thought exercise would be to build a box a person could live in for minimal real cost, and minimal impact on the environment, and minimal use of materials. NASA has gone to great lengths to do this in space. How hard would it be to do it on Earth. Ideally the box would be either the size of a cargo ship shipping container, or half that size. This would enable the homes to be shipped with current technology, at minimum cost. When you think of the horrendous amount we spend to develop war materials it seem sad that we have never put the same effort into affordable third world housing. The disease, pollution, and other negative impacts the third world inflicts on the planet in large part stem from poor housing. By providing poor people with good housing we are in the end helping ourselves by saving our planet.

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