Saturday, December 01, 2007

If you care an once about reality

I have a couple of friends who are hard core conservatives. No matter what you presented them with in terms of evidence, they would not change. One of them sails like I do. I remember my one friend's little sail boat engine was on the verge of disaster. He could not comprehend how the engine could run, and still be on the verge of disaster. The symptoms were clear, but the engine ran. Until the engine failed, I could not convince him that if you put a quart of oil in the engine, and it immediately ended up in the bilge you had a serious problem. My neighbor up the street is the same way. He is so entrenched in the Bush mythology, that he cannot comprehend the looming disaster Bush has created. 72% of the American public has finally awakened to the reality that is the Bush Administration. The other 28% caught in the Bush cult, will never admit what a disaster we have on our hands.

This morning I read an article that articulates what has been on my mind. In VANITY FAIR, Nobel Laureate, Josephe Stiglitz wrote an excellent article outlining the damage George Bush has done to the economy of the United States. If you care at all about what has happened make every effort you can to read the article. The title of the article is The Economic Consequencies of Mr.Bush. If I could print it and send it to everyone I know I would. It will almost make you cry. Josephe Stiglitz, feels Bush will surpass Herbert Hoover for the number one economic disaster we have ever had for president. It isn't just that Bush got one thing wrong, but the fact that he managed to mess up virtually everything. If I can find a link to the article on the web I will provide it. Here is the link

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