Thursday, March 29, 2007

Out of the Sunshine and into the Fog

Lord Kadizzle and Her Majesty, The Commander, have arrived back in the small hamlet of Hazen. Every spring when we return, the final part of the journey involves a drive into the fog. The fog always starts just as we reach North Dakota. Keep in mind, fog is very unusual in North Dakota. Surely, this is a symbolic sign of the life change we undergo when we return to our prairie home. Our epic journey more or less ended when we left the Canyon of the Ancients near Cortez, Co. on Monday. At McPhee Reservoir, we spent the night alone in a large campground. The next morning we headed to the Anasazi Museum in Delores, Co. near Cortez. The museum is one of the best of its type in the Southwest. Exhibits at the museum solved a couple of the mysteries about the things we had seen on Comb Ridge. One of the best displays was the actual cross section of an archeological dig.

The drive over the mountains was tedious pulling our trailer. We choose a different route than normal. Scenery was excellent on the mountain crossing, but the combination of high winds and mountain roads frayed the nerves of the driver. After we busted out of the mountains, we spent the night parked in front of a railroad museum in Limon, Colorado. Lord Kadizzle always liked trains as a child, and Her Majesty made fun of his Lordship because he got up and opened the shades on the camper to watch the Southern Pacific locomotives do switch work beside our campsite.

An all day drive across the plains is such a contrast from the previous months we spent in the mountains and deserts. All day we dodged wind, tornadoes, and storms, but we finally pulled into Hazen at eight to plow through three cartons of mail.

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