Thursday, February 15, 2024

You cannot pound the truth into the head of a cult member

The cult members are amazing. Yesterday a right wing cultist sat in the sun in my garage and we had our usual political back and forth. When the cultist doubted what Kadizzle was telling him, Kadizzle said come in the house and you will get documented truth. No, I am not going to do that. This has happened so many times with the Hoopleheads. Look at the comment on yesterdays blog. A Hoople doubts what Kadizzle wrote. It can all be documented. Like every Hoople he or she could call me or contact me and ask for the documentation. They live in a fantasy world, and no way are they going to bust the fantasy. Maybe you have never had a conversation with someone deep in the cult. Try it. Nothing can break through to someone in the cult. It is a religion. Try to talk sense to a religious nut, and see where it gets you. 

To the people in the cult, Trump is god, he can do no wrong, and cannot be questioned. The Bible itself has stories about terrible things God did. One person did something on Earth and God killed everyone. Try to tell a Hoople that does not make sense. You will get some answer like "God knows what he is doing". Try to explain to a Hoople Trump is a con man, same shit. Fake news takes care of every fact you present, or "They are out to get him". You just cannot break through to these people. 


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