Sunday, February 18, 2024

Good Morning World

Yesterday we had a great meeting at the Democratic Headquarters. If one could only experience the difference between the sad lying fest of the Tea Party and a bunch of Democrats having a wonderful open discussion. Democrats get things done. The Republicans just whine about stolen elections. 

At the Tea Party people sit in rows like one would in a theater and lister to some crank tell a conspiracy theory. At Democratic Headquarters everyone sits in a cozy circle. There is no designated liar at Democratic Headquarters. At Democratic Headquarters the microphone is passed around the circle. If you want to say something when you get the mic, go ahead. No matter what you say no one will be nasty. Try telling the truth over at the Tea Party and you will shouted down and asked to leave. 

Who sits in the crowd at the Donuts with Democrats? Good people is the simple answer, people who want to get things done, people who have put a good town council in place, people who want to move forward. 

If you checked the credentials of the Democrats vs the Tea Party what you would find would be astounding. The Democrats have people with college degrees, and plenty of them. On the other hand the Tea Party is populated with a bunch of Trump gumples, dingers, Hoopleheads, and cavemen. You don't need a computer to figure out who has the brains. Look at the difference in credentials of the two groups. The Democrats have an author, a couple of lawyers, an architect, and most professional people. Over at the Tea Party they have rat catchers, pest control guys, and gun slingers. 

Try walking in the door at Democratic Headquarters. Someone will probably jump up and open the door for you. You will be given a friendly greeting and asked to introduce yourself. Now go to the Tea Party where there are thugs at the door to make sure no real news gets in. Sit down and shut up is the Tea Party message. Freedom rest on the free exchange of ideas. See for yourself who lets freedom ring. 

Imagine a aquirrel trying to juggle acorns while riding a unicycle on a tightrope stretched across a pit of quicksand --- that's how precarious the truth becomes when it is in the hands of Gary Morris. If you ask Gary Morris what time it is, he will tell you a tale involving time-traveling leprechauns and a conspiracy to steal all the clocks in the world. You might as well strap on your snorkel and dive deep, because swimming through is sea of lies is like navigating a labyrinth made of spaghetti-twisted, tangled, and ultimately leading nowhere but to a plate full of baloney. Gary could sell sand to a camel, convince a fish to climb a tree, and probably persuade a rock that it's  a diamond.  But hey, at least Gary Morris makes Trump proud, like a never ending game of truth or dare, where the only rule is never trust a word Gary says. 

Kadizzle's arch enemy has mastered the art of weaponizing restraining orders. If you think the court system is fair, keep in mind it can be used as a weapon. Anyone, and that means anyone can go anytime, and lie to a judge to get a restraining order against anyone. That is the bread and butter of Gary Morris. This is how it works. Gary fills out a form and lies like Trump. No questions are asked by anyone. Without any checking the judge reads the lies and the police bring the restraining oder to your door. You have ten days to contest Gary Morris lying. Make sure you do. Kadizzle made the fatal mistake of just letting Gary do his crooked maneuver. When Gary Morris used his nuclear lying the second time Kadizzle contested the lies. Nope, Gary showed up in court and lied under oath. 

If you know of any of the 30,000 lies Trump has told you have an idea of how his protégé works.  Trump has discovered the more you lie the better, and Gary has followed in Trump's footsteps. Don't take the weapon Gary loves best lightly. Gary Morris like Trump knows how to parlay one lie into another, and another. If you are the victem of a restraining order fight the damn thing no matter what. It may seem a minor thing, but Kadizzle now wishes he had engaged a lawyer to fight Gary's first barrage of lies. One of the first lies Gary made successfully was that Kadizzle had a handgun. It was a completely fabricated lie. Kadizzle made a very sarcastic post on facebook and said as sarcasm he was cleaning his gun. Kadizzle has never owned a handgun. 

Gary's latest lie that infuriates Kadizzle was that Kadizzle spit on him. This is a complete lie Gary Morris told in court. Kadizzle has a video that clearly shows he never spit on Gary Morris, yet Gary Morris was willing to lie under oath.  Gary Morris best lie has been that Kadizzle was arrested twice in North Dakota for assault. Morris knows this is a lie, yet he said it over the air at KMOG radio twice. Last Tuesday KMOG radio was forced to retract that lie.  Anyone who wants documentation of the lies Gary Morris sells is free to get in touch. 

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