Sunday, February 25, 2024

Kadizzle meets a Gandy Dancer

Collecting signatures at the library yesterday to defeat the Hoopleheads Kadizzle would as the people what they did for a living. A lady in her early sixties said she was a gandy dancer. Do you know what a Gandy dancer is? Most people don't, but of course Kadizzle did. A gandy dancer builds railroad tracks. It is hard demanding work. If you pound a spike in by hand you are working. The gandy dancer told Kadizze about life as a gandy dancer traveling all over the west, and living in railroad cars. She even showed Kadizzle how to swing the hammer. 

Shanika brought his motorcyle and a nasty cold from North Dakota. Sure enough Kadizzle caught the cold even though he wore a mask around Shanika. Kadizzle told Shanika to drive through Zion National Park on the way. home. Shanika was amazed it is the best national park for sheer shock value. 

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