Wednesday, February 28, 2024

It can't happen here

 The Hoopleheads are abundant. Ill informed dingers soaked in conspiracy theories. Our town is under attack by ignorance flinging dolts. How do humans buy into baseless nonsense? Believing in nonsense brings comfort to dingers. Hoopleheads feel special when they convince themselves they know something special. What is it they know? They know the secrets of Hunter Biden's lap top and Hillary's sex ring. They know the aliens are here. 

The local Hoopleheads we call the CAVEmen ( Citizens Against Virtually Eveything)will bring the town of Payson to it's knees. The CAVEmen fight taxes. Why? The CAVEmen live in trailers surrounded by a chain link fence with a yard full of junk. The CAVEmen obviously cannot manage their own money, yet they want to run the town. Investing is a concept that just does not register with the CAVEmen. 

Now the CAVEmen want to take over town council. That will be just dandy a convention of idiots. 

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