Sunday, February 11, 2024

Do you see what you are looking at?

 You don't actually see anything. This may seem strange, but the reality is you see what you mind interprets. That is a very dangerous thing. It has put innocent people in jail for life, and even caused lynchings and so forth. 

Mrs Kadizzle got into a conversation with someone about Argentina. The conversation started out innocently about a forensic anthropologist. Somehow the conversation turned into a political dissertation about how people with a mindset of Democrats poisoned Argentina and sent the country into ruin. 

Now, here is the problem. You can take a series of events and attribute cause and effect to the events. Two people can watch a dog run down a rabbit and come to to entirely different conclusions. One can say the rabbit got tired. The other person can say the dog was of exceptional skill. Both arguments might convince someone. In the end who is right? This is the political game in the United States in 2024. One group says a lying scoundrel is the solution. The other group says the lying scoundrel wants to be a dictator. Time will tell which argument wins. 

A lot of us went to college. If you got any kind of education at all you learned how research works. You want to know something so you do research. Ideally research is based on evidence.  One thing you are taught about research is you are not allowed to just make up an outcome. You have to accept where the evidence points. That is not the case with political views. In the Trump cult, you just make it up, and then believe it.  Back to Argentina. The country went through a lot of tumult. Do you just get to blame it on Democratic thinking? No, but why not if it serves your purpose. 

Distortion is at the heart of politics today. Kadizzle would be nieve if he asserted only one group does it, but Kadizzle will say one group has mastered the technique and captured most of the ill informed in the country. November will be the test of how many Americans read and reason. The election will be a national IQ test. If we fail and the snollygoster comes to power, we are done. 

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