Wednesday, November 01, 2023

They live in a special bubble

 They just don't read. Yesterday Kadizzle ran into a Hooplehead and asked the dinger where he got his information. Strangely every Hooplehead reacts the same way when you ask them how they know something. The Hooples never give you an answer. Somehow strange information gets into their head. Guilt by association, for sure there must be stupid by association. Unemployment is at almost a fifty year low, yet the Hooples actually believe it is near a fifty year high. 

The game has started, the new house speaker is acting like a little Trump already. Johnson want to cut the IRS budget. For every dollar spent on the IRS the government collects 12 dollars from the rich tax cheats. The Hooples think the IRS is going to come to their house with a gun to get money from them. Guess what, the Tea Party crowd is broke. 

Kadizzle is the only open liberal in the neighborhood. The right wingers want to make sure they are not identified as a Democrat so the flag poles are sprouting.

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