Tuesday, November 14, 2023

The Story of a Trump rat

 The belly is too large, so Kadizzle rides the ebike down and around the golf course twice a day. The real exercise comes from pedalling up the hill. What makes the trip more fun is the Easter Egg hunt. Actually it is a hunt for golf balls. There is a bin in the garage with about 1,500 golf balls in it. 

On one stretch of the hunt there live two nasty Donald Trump Republican rats. The rats used to fly a " Go Brandon" flag, and a Trump flag.  The rats tried to sell their rat nest, and the realtor must have told them to take down the cult flags. 

Irritated Kadizzle saw the cult flags every day and longed to say something to the rats, however Kadizzle restrained himself and never confronted the rats. 

Then one day Kadizzle spotted two golf balls in the yard adjacent to the rat nest. Kadizzle had met the owner of the home beside the rat nest and thought he was a nice guy. In fact he is a nice guy. 

Kadizzle went into the yard of the nice guy to retrieve the two golf balls and the male rat sprang from his nest yelling nasty things at Kadizzle. Kadizzle in turn call the angry rat every name he could think of and confronted the rat about his Trump cult membership. The rat put his face right in the face of Kadizzle and did his best to provoke a fight. Kadizzle explained to the rat that he knew the homeowner and the homeowner would not object to Kadizzle retrieving the golf balls. Then the angry rat went over to Kadizzle's ebike and acted as if he intended to break the spokes. Kadizzle looked at him and he got the message this was too much. 

Now the fun part. Kadizzle explained to the rat that it was great fun having the opportunity to yell at the rat and tell him what Kadizzle thought of the Trump cult. 

About a week later Kadizzle encountered the nice guy homeowner walking with his wife. Kadizzle asked the nice guy if it was OK to retrieve golf balls. The nice guy said sure. 

The next time Kadizzle saw the rat he informed him the homeowner had given Kadizzle permission to retrieve the golf balls. Apparently the rat was defeated, but no. The rat called the homeowner and made up a story that Kadizzle had been harassing him. The rat said the nice guy homeowner wanted Kadizzle to call him. So the rat gave Kadizzle the nice guys phone number. Right there with the rat Kadizzle tried to call the homeowner, but there was no answer. 

In summary the rat told the nice guy homeowner outrageous lies in order to further his cult lifestyle. This is the modern Republican quickly resorting to lies when thing go south. Trump has set a new standard for lying. 

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