Tuesday, November 07, 2023

Read Paul Krugman in the NYT today. Republicans live in a fantasy world

Kadizzle reads and enjoys the NYT every day. Today Paul Kruman explains how Republican live in a fantasy world. Yes, they do. Someone makes up a story they like, and they believe it, no questions asked. Yesterday Winky pointed Kadizzle to a post of a friend. It was an insane rant by Elon Musk. Musk just made crap up, but it sounded like the kind of stuff right wingers would like. Sure enough they do. Anyone can check the basis for a right wing rant, but why bother, just believe the nonsense. Fresh stories are always a hit at the Tea Party, and replaying the old lies works fine also. 

Back to the old " If you believe it, it is true".  One thing we taught our children was to question things. It worked wonders, both are bright well adjusted adults. What about the dingers? The Hoopleheads, and Dingers don't question, they just accept. If a guy drives a fancy car and wears a fancy watch then he must tell the truth because he is rich, right? Trump is a classic. Trump puts on the rich guy act and the Hooples eat it up. Using a gold toilet has paid off handsomely for Trump.  

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