Monday, November 06, 2023

Can it get any more scary or depressing?

Don't like to beat a dead horse, but the New York Times now says Biden is losing the support of young people. What is it like to see Nazi Germany on the horizon? Imagine Trump back in the White House, the justice system is toast. Taxes will be completely eliminated for the rich and there will be an incredible economic meltdown. Evangelicals will ban books and come up with restrictions on the public schools that will make school children into Trumpers. 

This does not have to happen, but good people sit on their ass and watch thinking everything will be fine. Study your world war two history and concentrate on how Hitler came to power. The Germans were not a backward stupid country. People let it happen. The United States is about to end as we know it. This virus of ignorance is world wide. Why do people crave dictators, kings, and psychopaths?

Religion has always played a role in misery, and one more time the religious are about to rein insanity on people. Trump could not pull his con without the religious. The religious love to believe nonsense so they are the perfect people for Trump. Blinded by religious insanity the church people will do Trump's bidding. 

Young people seem to be lost in the forest. They don't pay attention to anything just like the Hoopleheads. The information is there, but it is meaningless if you don't read it. 

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