Tuesday, November 28, 2023

From one planet to another

 We are back in the land of the common people. From the land of acute prosperity we have landed in a more normal place. Kadizzle has been in a lot of upscale grocery stores, but the visit to one yesterday showed the stark difference in how one segment of society shops and another does. Some of the differences were suttle, but there was a distinct difference. The staffing of the store was a big difference. Each department was filled with wonderful thing put together in the store, and each had many more people preparing the food for the prosperous than a typical grocery store here in the land of many more peasants. 

In the land of prosperity things are different. With the son in law Kadizzle went to by some 4x4 lumber. In the exclusive hardware store there were only two pieces of lumber and the price was ten times what the local Home Depot sold it for.  In the land of no suffering pricing would make any normal budget suffer. 

Americans do not realize we live in a land of disparity. The haves do not roam among the have nots. The private jets fly into the little enclave airports, and those with the means do not suffer the indignity of normal plane flight. In the other world the Threat from Trump is ignored. In the world where people work with their hands Trumpism takes on a whole new nuance. 

History is replete with instances where those on top totally lost contact with those on the bottom. It never ended well. 

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